Friday, March 25, 2016

3 Realizations I Made from Being Abroad for Two Months

It's the halfway point... the middle ground. It's the break between the crashing waves and the transition from one cycle of being to another.

It's been two months since I first arrived in Italy. From the moment I stepped foot in this country, I knew this experience would change my life. Below you'll find the three most significant realizations I made from being abroad for two months.

Hele mai! It's just getting started!

1. I'm not ready to go back to Clarmeont in the Fall.

I made a final decision to take a leave of absence this coming Fall 2016 semester.

Being abroad has taught me many things. Chiefly it's made me much more self-aware about my identity and my need to grow as a person. I am in a place and time of my life where growth is essential for building character, confidence, and self-love. I am slowly learning how to do that. Unfortunately, last semester in Claremont wasn't the easiest time for me. With all the commotion surrounding Students of Color at the 5C's, I found myself taking an extremely active role in the movement. I may have overworked myself and failed to take care of my cultural, spiritual, emotional, and mental health.

Low-and-behold, an opportunity to re-center myself arose two weeks ago. I was offered a 7-month internship with a land management and ecosystem services company on Oʻahu. This internship will undoubtedly open up a HUGE network of connections to the growing "Green" jobs sector in Hawaiʻi. I am taking a leap of faith and I decided to commit to completing the internship throughout the summer and fall. I'll be sure to write more about that experience in the future!

In reality, the internship is an awesome opportunity. But I also have to recognize that it will allow me to re-center myself on a cultural, spiritual, and emotional level. I'll be home for a longer period of time surrounded by loved ones that I have missed dearly over the years.

To my Claremont family: I look forward to staying in touch throughout the summer and fall. I'll see you folks in the Spring of 2017 for my final semester!

To my Hawaiʻi ʻohana: I am coming home!

2. Traveling is the best way to grow up and get cultured.

I now have a fierce desire to travel the World. Since my last update I have traveled to Milan, Florence, Bergamo, and Cinque Terre. You can see the photos I took of all those places here on my Facebook album! Here's some preview pics for ya:

Santa Maria Nascente - Milano

Posing for the gods in Piazzale Michaelangelo - Florence

Phenomenal view of Bergamo from Citta Alta

Monarello view with le mie amiche - Cinque Terre

As I prepare to travel to London, Paris, and Berlin for spring break (which I will feature on my next blog), I need to acknowledge my cultural limitations as a traveller.

I understand that what I see in a specific place is just the tip of the "Cultural Iceberg." Coming from Hawaiʻi, this Iceberg is extremely apparent to many kanaka maoli who get frustrated with the millions of passing tourists our Islands see every day. I must admit there is SO much more to a place than what I can actually see. As I prepare for my own travels, I must recognize my limits, and acknowledge the importance of what I cannot see.

Check out this cool illustration that shows what I mean:

3. My happiness is highly dependent on the Sun...or Vitamin D, rather...

Da Tuscan sunshine.

To be completely honest, I went through a short two-week period of moderate depression and anxiety. I was feeling negative emotions for no apparent reason, and I had no idea what was wrong with me. At first I thought it was just a phase, but luckily my host mom is a psychologist, and my good friends and family noticed that I wasn't acting normally.

It turns out I was suffering from a Vitamin-D deficiency. Vitamin-D supports hormonal patterns in the body that have a lot to do with regulating the stress-hormone, Cortisol, in the body by keeping it at a healthy levelApparently the biggest source of Vitamin-D comes from sunlight, which Italy doesn't have much of in the winter months.

I know right? My biggest problem WOULD be from a lack of Sunlight...
I asked my program director if she could take me to the pharmacy to get me some vitamin-D supplements. You'll be happy to know that after 15 days, I feel SO MUCH better. I am much more level-headed, positive, and ready for the rest of this journey! My experience just goes to show that if you need help...ASK for it!

Thank you all again for reading. I will keep you all updated on my spring break travels!
"Don't happy!"

Live with Love,

Kepa <3


  1. Great job cuz! Happy that you're taking full advantage of your time in Europe and following your heart to take the new internship in Oahu! It'll be nice having you home! We have to go beach and hiking to get you a full dose of Vitamin D! Love you. Can't wait for the next post!

  2. Great job cuz! Happy that you're taking full advantage of your time in Europe and following your heart to take the new internship in Oahu! It'll be nice having you home! We have to go beach and hiking to get you a full dose of Vitamin D! Love you. Can't wait for the next post!
